Teaching Plan

Making Lesson Plan

            Teaching plan or lesson plan is a detailed guide for teaching a lesson. It's a step-by-step guide that outlines the teacher's objectives for what the students will accomplish that day. Creating a lesson plan involves setting goals, developing activities, and determining the materials that will be used.


ISAT Laboratory School uses Technical Secondary (for Grades 8-10), Strengthened Technical and Vocational Education Program (STVEP) (for Grade 7).  Because the student-teacher was assigned to teach grade 10, the curriculum is Technical Secondary with the first topic is On the Theater by Cicero. For the topic that will be taught by the student-teacher, the format of curriculum used is as written below:
Format Curriculum topic: “On the Theatre” by Cicero

Stage 1: Result/ Outcomes
Stage 2: Assessment
At the Level of
The learner
understanding of the
distinctive features,
aesthetic elements
and underlying
of varied
types of Medieval Literature
narratives using the
most appropriate
language forms and

The learner deliver information from the story (5W+1H) related to the word given

Narratives are the interesting accounts of
people’s ideas,
feelings, and values pertinent to the development of their culture and society.

Why do we

Creative and
explanation and performances

Explain the information from the story deals with the word given by the teacher.

assessment of
based on
the following criteria:
Audience Contact

Teaching Plan Related to Major

I.       Objectives:
a.       mention some objects, places, activity or situation from the story they have read
b.      describe in writing the objects, places, activity or situation read from the story using a flashcard
c.       appreciate the lesson and values they have learned based from the story
d.      incorporate technology (Instagram) in learning process
II.    Subject Matter:
a.       Topic: Language in Literature Lesson 3
b.      Reference:
Language in Literature:World Literature. On the theater, Learner's Material (page 87-89)
c.       Materials/Tools: Teacher-made visual aids: pictures, flashcard; whiteboard; whiteboard marker; paper; scotch tape..
d.      Value Integration: Friendship, Tolerance, and Critical Thinking.
III. Procedure
a.       Preliminary Activities
1)      Greeting
2)      Praying
3)      Checking attendance
4)      Review
5)      Motivation
b.      Developmental Activities
1)      The teacher will show the picture related to the story
2)      Teacher deliver the material orally and giving ilustration
3)      Teacher brainstorm material with students by question and answer section
4)      Teacher groups students into 4 groups, and asked to discuss the information related to word given in flashcard
5)      Students perform and deliver their material in front of class
6)      Students gives feedback and question and answer
7)      Teacher gives feedback
c.       Post Developmental Activities
1)      Concluding and Valuing
2)      Evaluation
3)      Assignments
·         Answer questions in page 89 in a sheet of paper
·         Write a reflective Journal and post it in Instagram


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